Welcome to the Brand New Look of The Lingerie Addict!

Welcome to the newly revamped design of The Lingerie Addict! As you can tell, we've made a few changes around here.

I've been thinking a lot about endings, beginnings and transitions lately both personally (my wedding) and professionally (TLA's 5 Year Anniversary). So it seems appropriate now for blog theme to do some changing as well. When I first started blogging, I was 24, and my lingerie tastes were heavily informed by the kind of "sexy" that brands like Victoria's Secret promote.

Nearly-30 year old me isn't the same person who began this blog all those years ago, though. My notion of what is beautiful has, thankfully, changed and broadened significantly. When I felt it was time for a redesign, I wanted to include the colors I love now... colors like mint green, ivory, blush, and lavender. While brainstorming the new look and feel of the site, I was inspired by items like delicate white lace gloves, vintage lingerie photos by Lillian Bassman, and fancy living spaces.

The old site felt more like a dressing room to me, but I wanted this new site to feel like a really big closet to hang out in. If I ever won the lottery and could afford a large enough boudoir to entertain in, I'd decorate it with these colors. I'd add some great lounge areas, plush carpeting, and, of course, a whole lot of champagne. This new design hopefully reflects who I am as well as what the The Lingerie Addict has become.

As TLA has grown, it's become more of a community, and I wanted the new design to feel like a place where you're just chatting with friends. Content should also be easier to navigate with this design, and I'll have new ways to display popular features like our seasonal shopping guides, special giveaways, and more.

You've probably also noticed our brand new logo. Over the years, I've gone from blogging anonymously to sharing more of my personal life here. In so many ways, I'm the face and voice of TLA, and so it felt right to get a new logo that looked like me along with the new site redesign. I had the privilege of working with a wonderful local Seattle illustrator, Kelly Jackson of KellyPortfolio Illustrations, for this project. She's done lots of work for burlesque artists in the area and I really adore her style. Jason Moore of I Fell Into a Whale handled all other website coding, illustration, and design.

I love that this new logo incorporates my original love of stockings and my affinity for corsets and pinup along with a full picture of the blog and the woman behind it. I also wanted to include my glasses, which are a big part of my regular life even though I'm rarely photographed in them. I wanted this logo to be more of a window into the real me --- the me that loves not only loves lingerie, stockings, corsets, but also comic books, sci-fi, and cooking shows.

Most importantly, this new design is one that can grow with the blog over the next few  years or so. It'll be easier to update and swap out details and even add some functionality all while still staying true to the core of what TLA i s about. I still can't believe how incredible the last five years have been, and I'm looking forward to saying again to you all in five more!

With love and affection,


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Cora Harrington

Founder and Editor in Chief of The Lingerie Addict. Author of In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie. I believe lingerie is fashion too, and that everyone who wants it deserves gorgeous lingerie.

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