Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. Laura Wheatman Hill lives in Portland, Oregon with her two children. She blogs about parenting, writes about everything, and teaches English and drama when not living in an apocalyptic dystopia. Her work has appeared on JSTOR Daily, the Submittable Blog, She Knows, and others.You can find her at https://www.laurawheatmanhill.com/ and on Twitter and Instagram. I spent four years either pregnant or breastfeeding. During the […]
Disclaimer: The lingerie in this post was purchased by The Lingerie Addict for review. All opinions are my own. Big-boobed fat folks have long been used to paying more for fewer choices than our smaller counterparts. While I face fewer difficulties in finding bras that fit at a size 38GG(ish) than those who wear larger band and/or cup sizes than me, I care about supporting those companies that include my […]
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. It’s easy to get stuck talking about all of the same brands in the full bust world. This is due in part to having fewer options than other size ranges, but also because the big players like Eveden tend to dominate the conversation. Today I’m going to talk about some incredible brands that don’t get as much press, as well as some that […]
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Today’s article is all about lingerie sans bows, ruffles, and frills. I know not every woman wants ultra-feminine lingerie, and even the women who do want that will occasionally want something a little simpler… something that’s not all about cleavage and lace and silk. Our piece on androgynous lingerie was inspired by two previous posts on the subject from other blogs: “Lingerie Androgyny? When Lingerie […]