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lingerie blog

I realized recently that it’s been more than a year since I started writing a queer lingerie column at The Lingerie Addict. When I started, I had a strong love of lingerie, especially the discount kind. But beyond that, I had very little idea how I was going to make this work. I didn’t think I photographed well and I didn’t know how to write article copy. But oh, so […]

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In 2012, The Lingerie Addict became a Body Snark Free Zone. Lots of other websites have followed: in fact, most lingerie blogs proudly display Cora’s anti-body-snark free graphic and frequently declare that all bodies are good bodies. So why am I so depressed about the the body positive movement and lingerie blogging? I don’t talk a lot about myself in these columns, but today I want to start with the […]

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Several years ago, I was convinced that lingerie blogging was about to turn a corner. There were more new blogs than ever before writing about lingerie, and lingerie bloggers themselves seemed to be getting more recognition and involvement from both brands and boutiques. It’s been a dream of mine for lingerie blogging to have the same level of cachet and participation as “regular” fashion blogging, and I truly believed that […]

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Every January, I like to do a post of my fave lingerie bloggers to watch for the upcoming year. Many of the blogs you know and love have made an appearance on that list at one time or another, and, unfortunately, other lingerie bloggers have since gone defunct. The five names on this year’s list aren’t meant to be inclusive of every lingerie blog out there; they’re just a few […]

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Continuing the tradition of 2011’s 10 Favorite Lingerie Blogs and my favorite Lingerie Blogs of 2012, it’s high time to talk about the lingerie blogs you should be reading in 2013. Over the last few years, it’s been really amazing to see so many new lingerie blogs come on the scene, each with their own inimitable perspective and unique point of view. When I first started blogging, there was only […]

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