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lingerie blog

Hi Everyone! It’s been a year of wild and crazy changes, and we’re not done yet because I have a couple more in store for you before 2017 is over. One of the biggest (and, to be honest, scariest) is launching my Patreon. For those of you who may not be familiar with the name, Patreon is a way to support creatives directly. It’s based on the old patronage system […]

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Lonely Lingerie x Breast Cancer Awareness

I’m…jaded. Not about breast cancer or its effects on people’s lives or the necessity of finding a cure, of course. But I am worn out when it comes to the endless stream of slick, sexified marketing campaigns focused on “saving ta-tas” and “thinking pink.” Breast cancer, at least as far these marketing campaigns go, has become the “glamorous” cancer – one which has crowded out awareness for most every other […]

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Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. Playful Promises has gone from strength to strength these last few years, first making their mark as an affordable, fashion-focused (albeit core-sized) lingerie brand before deciding to come for everybody’s coins with a stellar full bust collection and an equally gorgeous plus size collection. In addition to these incredible (and incredibly well-received) size expansions, Playful Promises continues to show their feminist roots with remarkably […]

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About a week ago, I realized something that had been building for a long time – I dreaded going to my own Facebook page. It wasn’t that I was tired of talking with TLA readers, of course. However, I was tired – so very tired – of the endless wave of sexual harassment in my page’s comments. Sexual harrassment entirely caused by men. I’ve been running my blog, The Lingerie […]

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I am waist-deep in book edits at the moment, but I did want to write a quick blog post to say 1) I’m alive (yay!) and 2) that I hope those of you in the path of the solar eclipse have a memorable and safe experience. Admittedly, I’ve been out of the loop on most news lately, but I couldn’t resist an opportunity to share a perfect lingerie set for […]

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