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fleur of england

Today’s guest post is a Q&A with Fleur Christacos. Fleur is the CEO, Founder, and Designer behind Fleur of England. For the last 17 years, Fleur has been designing bespoke embroideries, something which the brand is now famous for. Fleur is inspired by the beauty of her natural surroundings and how this can translate into modern femininity. After graduating from university in Fashion Marketing, I decided I wanted to explore my […]

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Lingerie is arguably one of the most complex categories of clothing. Very few other garments require quite the same level of accuracy, attention to detail, and skilled human labour. Understanding lingerie construction and quality can be a minefield, even if you have some sewing skills. This series will cover some of the most common stitch and construction techniques used in contemporary lingerie, with the first part covering the most common […]

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Recently, someone in the Lingerie Addict Facebook group asked if lingerie brands could design custom lace. I started typing out a response, but quickly realised it’s a very complex question to answer. One about which I have entirely too much to say. The fashion industry as a whole tends to be quite closed off to customer education, so there isn’t a whole lot of public information about manufacturing or fabrics. […]

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Wow, 2017 really got away from me. At the beginning of the year, I felt extremely confident about being able to both write a book and also keep to TLA’s regular posting schedule. Turns out I was naive. So, so naive. A book is a ravenous, jealous beast that will devour all your time and energy and then some. And while I feel truly blessed and fortunate to have been […]

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Today’s guest post is by Sweets of Sweet Nothings NYC. Sweets has been blogging about bras, baking and body image for the last five years. She lives in NYC, works at a law firm, and would like one day to solve an English country house weekend murder mystery. Do not ask her about her cats; she will show you too many pictures. Over the last few years I’ve made a […]

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