In February I took the Chinatown Bus up to New York to do a lingerie photo shoot orchestrated by Sweets of Sweet Nothings, along with Elizabeth of The Breast Life and of course Cora. A few weeks after the fact I am still processing this amazing experience, thinking through what it means for me, how it felt, what I learned. So bear with me if I seem a little scattered: this was […]
Every career is subject to stereotypes, both good and bad. Working as a lingerie designer, retailer and writer, I’ve heard my fair share of silly clichés. From the start, my career path has brought with it a bunch of myths that I’m constantly defending with the hope of changing people’s ideas of what being a lingerie designer really means. While lingerie is not as risqué a topic as it once […]
“Starting a lingerie line was always a dream of mine,” says Whitney Galitz, owner and designer of the full-cup-focused indie brand Good Night Gilda. Galitz launched her line with a full business plan, landed some great press, and ran the company while working full-time as a wardrobe stylist in Los Angeles, from 2009 until 2011 when she closed its doors. Lingerie lovers often lament the surprising and sometimes sudden shuttering […]
Disclosure: This product was purchased for the purpose of review by The Lingerie Addict. All opinions are my own. Most corset aficionados have heard of Vollers. The British corset brand pack some serious heritage, having been founded in 1899. Vollers’ website offers some fascinating snippets of their history; I love the fact that the company occupied the same factory space for over 90 years! All of the brand’s corsets are […]
I’ve been sitting here for the better part of an hour trying to think of a super-fashiony, sophisticated way to start off this blog post, and I can’t so I’ll just jump right to it. I love this lace. Every since I first laid eyes on this set, I knew it had to be featured on TLA. Black lace is my kryptonite, but, as you already know, lace tends to […]