You’ve made it! To the end of 2021, which is just as much of an an accomplishment as making it to the end of 2022. So in celebration of the impending new year (and also the winter solstice!), I am delighted to present a brand new lingerie shopping guide for the season. While this is ostensibly a holiday wishlist, we all know lingerie is good anytime of year, and all […]

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Disclosure: This set was purchased by The Lingerie Addict for the purposes of this review. All opinions are my own. I’ll be honest. I hate buying tights and stockings. Not because I don’t like them! But because a new stocking purchase means I’ve snagged or damaged a previous pair and tossed it into the trash, destined to slowly decompose (or not) in some NYC landfill. Replacing lingerie sucks. Why can’t […]

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There are a million ways to wash lingerie, from the good (use an inexpensive lingerie wash!) to the not-so-good (please don’t wash your lingerie in vinegar!). But at the end of the day, there isn’t one right way to clean lingerie: it depends on the fiber and the fabric. Here are our favorite ways to safely clean five common types of lingerie fabrics. Satin The care of your satin lingerie […]

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Lingerie 101: The 5 Most Common Types of Lingerie Fabrics

At The Lingerie Addict, nerding out about lingerie is our favorite thing. Sometimes, this means sharing the lingerie we wished we bought. Other times, it means discussing lingerie construction methods, or exploring what “ethically made” really means. Today, we’re talking fabrics. What types of fabrics are popular for lingerie? How can you identify them, and what are they used for? The following five fabrics are some of the most popular […]

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Today’s guest post is by Amy Norton. Amy (She/Her) is a sex blogger, journalist, and pleasure product aficionado. She runs Coffee & Kink and is the founder of Smutathon, an annual charity writing challenge. She lives in the UK with her nesting partner, Mr CK, and a frankly ridiculous collection of vibrators. For the first couple of years that I was writing my sex blog, Coffee & Kink, I firmly […]

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