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Looking for the Perfect Lingerie Guide? Signed Copies of In Intimate Detail are Now Available!

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Hello, everyone! My new book, In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie, actually came out last week, but I’ve been so wrapped up in media interviews and seeing people post their book selfies on Instagram, that I just now remembered I never made the official announcement to the blog! So here we are! Your friendly neighborhood Lingerie Addict is officially a published author! Yay!!! It is impossible […]

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Whether you’re professionally measured a bra or just try on a bunch of sizes to see what works, most of us are never told what those sizes actually mean. 34D? 38A? Society tells us a “D” cup is big and a “A” cup is small, but what about those numbers? And nowadays, getting fitted sometimes means you end up in a much bigger cup size than you expected – even […]

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The third part of our lingerie construction series covers seams. As a refresher, the first part covered types of stitch, and the second part stitch quality and linings. Seams are the point at which two pieces of fabric join together. They typically require a ‘seam allowance,’ or a space where the two panels can be sewn together. Seams can also be glued (or ‘bonded’) together for an exceptionally flat finish. […]

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I am so excited to finally announce something I’ve been working on for months! Some of you may remember that I had a limited edition run of pins I sold on Instagram a few months back. Initially, it was only meant to be sneak peek before I offered them for sale on the blog. But it turns out I sold all my pins that weekend. Well, I promised I would […]

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Now that it’s August, I feel like it’s a good time to come out with our recap of Autumn/Winter 2018 lingerie trends. I saw these pieces back in February, but I’ve recently decided to start publishing our trend reports a little bit closer to when items will actually start appearing in stores. I don’t have a lot of thoughts to share about the lingerie industry or lingerie market this go […]

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