Let me start this post by getting the really obvious thing out of the way first: I am now closer to turning 31 than I am to my 30th birthday. My born day is July 1st, and while I am totally looking forward to it (birthdays are cool), it doesn’t have that same momentous sense of occasion that my 30th did. To be perfectly honest, I kind of psyched myself […]
If you identify as genderqueer, genderfluid, bigender, or any of the terms that mean “not exactly male or female”, you’ve probably experienced dysphoria at some point. Dysphoria is the sensation of feeling like something is wrong or unsettling about your body, and for people who are trans or genderqueer, it can be a big deal. Luckily, your underwear can help. I’ve struggled with figuring out how to handle gender dysphoria, […]
Today’s guest post is by Queue Lyla, the writer behind the somewhat jokingly named blog Quest for the Perfect Bra, where they discuss bra fit, review bras (and clothing), and generally talk about things related to breasts. Queue is from Massachusetts, which makes the quest for said perfect bra quite a challenge. Beyond bra-fitting, they are also passionate about philosophy, gender, and feminism. Queue has already written a couple of pieces […]
Today’s guest post is by the founder of one of my favorite lingerie brands — Catherine Clavering of Kiss Me Deadly. Catherine started Kiss Me Deadly after her disability made it difficult for her to work in her chosen profession of psychology. In 2012, Kiss Me Deady won a UK Lingerie Award in the category of Favorite British Lingerie Designer. If you want to keep up with Kiss Me Deadly, […]
As of today, Nick and I have been married for exactly two months. I tend not to talk much about my personal life here on the blog, but I can say that I’m impossibly, incredibly happy. It’s a wonderful thing to wake up to someone you’re completely in love with every morning (and someone who’s completely in love with you too!) knowing that you have decades more of the same […]