Every career is subject to stereotypes, both good and bad. Working as a lingerie designer, retailer and writer, I’ve heard my fair share of silly clichés. From the start, my career path has brought with it a bunch of myths that I’m constantly defending with the hope of changing people’s ideas of what being a lingerie designer really means. While lingerie is not as risqué a topic as it once […]
Today’s guest post is by Mette Sofia Hänninen aka Miss Sophie Cake writes a full-bust focused lingerie blog called Two Cakes on a Plate. In addition to lush lingerie, she holds a passion for psychology (her major in Uni), pinup fashion, makeup, and other artistry. Mette aspires to be an art therapist one day, because creativity is everything. Being a lingerie blogger means all sorts of things in practice and […]
Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post is by Datura Divine, and is a response piece to an article we published last year on lingerie and pornography. In a private conversation on social media, Datura spoke of how many lingerie brands co-opt or appropriate sex worker imagery in their marketing and advertising campaigns while simultaneously shunning sex work and sex workers. I invited Datura to speak on that topic for TLA. I […]
“Ugh… I have to wear that?” was my knee-jerk reaction to being told it was time to go shopping for my first bra. At 13 years old, I was a late bloomer compared to my friends and not at all in a hurry to grow up. But puberty waits for no one, and in an attempt to retain my childhood for as long as possible, I begrudgingly settled for a […]
For the past few months I’ve been yearning and searching to rediscover my love of lingerie. Some of my feelings are because I blog a lot for work, so I simply see a ton of bras. Some of it is because this season all the lingerie kind of looks the same and I’m someone who tends to fall in love with unique and slightly kitschy pieces. But part of it has […]