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Today’s guest post is by Jeanna Kadlec. Jeanna is the founder of Bluestockings Boutique, the only lingerie boutique in the United States explicitly geared to the LGBTQ community. She has a Masters in English from Brandeis University and has written for Qwear, Ladypreneur League, and Feminist Wednesday. She lives in Boston. You can connect with Bluestockings on Facebook and Twitter. Starting a new business is hard, no matter which way […]

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LGBTQ people often aren’t sure what to do about lingerie. When your gender or your presentation don’t match what’s widely available, it can be easy to get discouraged and not buy much at all, especially if you feel that businesses aren’t interested in selling to you. I’ve recently spoken to a few businesses who are hoping to expand their target market to include queer and trans customers, which is great! […]

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Over the last year, I’ve been working on piecing together a sense of my own gender identity, and researching what I can wear to support that identity as a gender nonbinary person. I’ve learned a lot about the way that the lingerie industry has been marketing to (and selling the idea of) nonbinary people, and androgyny in general. I’m pleased to see several companies stepping up to cater to people […]

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Disclosure: The products described were given to me by TomboyExchange for review purposes. This review contains my own opinions of these products. I received no monetary compensation for this review. Underwear for nonbinary people, or for people with unconventional gender presentations, can be really hard (as I’ve said a few times already). So it’s always great to see a company working to distinguish itself from traditional feminine underwear design to […]

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Recently, the company Homme Mystere has risen to prominence by marketing feminine-styled lingerie to men, with articles declaring the company is “challenging some of our most entrenched gender stereotypes.” That sentence bothered me, because even before Homme Mystere, I saw lingerie companies catering to crossdressing men – specialty sites as well as sections on women’s lingerie sites. The idea of “lingerie for men” gets so much play, I’m starting to […]

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