Recently, someone in the Lingerie Addict Facebook group asked if lingerie brands could design custom lace. I started typing out a response, but quickly realised it’s a very complex question to answer. One about which I have entirely too much to say. The fashion industry as a whole tends to be quite closed off to customer education, so there isn’t a whole lot of public information about manufacturing or fabrics. […]
Wow, 2017 really got away from me. At the beginning of the year, I felt extremely confident about being able to both write a book and also keep to TLA’s regular posting schedule. Turns out I was naive. So, so naive. A book is a ravenous, jealous beast that will devour all your time and energy and then some. And while I feel truly blessed and fortunate to have been […]
Let’s talk #BodyPositivity! Body positive has become the marketing catchphrase of the moment. We see no shortage of brands calling themselves “body positive” through press releases, selectively diverse model choices, and more ad campaigns than I care to count. Media outlets have also been incredibly keen to jump on this bandwagon. They celebrate repetitive, incremental shifts in acceptance and breathlessly post PR copy without giving a second thought as to […]
Every few months, some major website writes a press release disguised as an article about a lingerie start-up “disrupting” the intimate apparel industry. Whether the brand claims to revolutionize manufacturing, sizes or style, there’s always a statement about turning the lingerie industry on its head, accompanied by a boast about how the world of lingerie will never be the same. But overall, the world of lingerie is the same. Most […]
Catherine Clavering is the Founder of Kiss Me Deadly, a retro-inspired lingerie label for femme fatales. Agent Provocateur is probably the most famous lingerie brand in the world, at least in the English-speaking parts of it. Since last year, however, lingerie industry insiders have been grabbing the popcorn to watch the latest installment in the ongoing drama “What’s happening at AP this week?” Until recently though, the average shopper likely […]