Here in Seattle around this time of year, the sun is up at 5:00 a.m. and setting after 9:00 p.m. While I love those long days (it’s still light enough to read by at 10:00 p.m. during the height of summer), they can wreak havoc on your body clock… especially if you happen to have an east-facing window. When I worked nights, which was for much of my professional career, […]
Many of us are happy to finally see the lingerie industry’s obsession with strappy, bondage-inspired lingerie come to an end. It was starting to feel as if every harness and cage bra had a whiff of desperation — trying too hard to be edgy, to be sexy, to be avant garde. In a race to be different, so many brands started to look the same. Only those with a truly […]
Though I’m quite happy with my size, there’s one particular time when I wish I could alter my dimensions a little, and it’s when a stunningly beautiful lingerie sample becomes available for sale. Sharp-eyed lingerie addicts may recognize Selina Bond from last year’s De Montfort University Lingerie Graduates article. Her ‘Bella Suora’ collection was inspired by Italian widows and nuns, and the inimitable Threnody in Velvet even modeled several of […]
You’re probably going to think I’m a little late to the party, but it really hit me a few months ago that some people (in fact: many people) prefer watching a video to reading a blog post. Doing more videos is one of my goals for TLA for this, and while I’ve gotten off to an admittedly late start (is it really almost June?), I want to kick things off […]
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links Whilst I’m sure a lot of us identify as lingerie addicts, my problem goes a little deeper and hits the bank balance even harder: I’m a luxury lingerie addict. I’ve found that the further I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of the lingerie world, the more discriminating and picky I’ve become about the pieces I choose to add to my wardrobe. Luxury lingerie isn’t […]