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It’s been a month or since this season’s CurveNY, and I’ve honestly been struggling with if I should even write a trend report this year. Last season, I mentioned how the New York tradeshow isn’t really the place to see what’s new and exciting in the lingerie world. Yes, it is definitely the place to get a sneak peek at what’s coming up in stores and boutiques (which is still […]

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This is a journey following the life of not just a custom corset, not just a bridal corset, but one of my own wedding corsets. (Yes, I had two.) I feel so incredibly fortunate (dare I even say blessed?) to have what I truly believe is one of the most beautiful and unique corsets in the world. For my wedding reception, I wore a corset that was a collaboration between […]

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Note: Some photos below may be NSFW. Truth be told, I’m not quite sure where to begin with this article. I feel like I should start by thanking Sweets, the lingerie blogger (and awesome human being) who came up with this whole idea, but a simple ‘thank you’ doesn’t quite convey the depth of my feeling here. The photoshoot in this article is one of the most special experiences I’ve […]

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Note: Some images may be NSFW At this point in my lingerie blogging career, I feel like a pretty savvy consumer. It takes a lot more than it did in 2008 to impress me, and certain events, like a new lingerie store, just aren’t newsworthy in and of themselves anymore. Of course, I’m always excited, professionally speaking, when a new intimate apparel boutique opens (more options for more people is […]

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In February I took the Chinatown Bus up to New York to do a lingerie photo shoot orchestrated by Sweets of Sweet Nothings, along with Elizabeth of The Breast Life and of course Cora. A few weeks after the fact I am still processing this amazing experience, thinking through what it means for me, how it felt, what I learned. So bear with me if I seem a little scattered: this was […]

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