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While the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is often seen as an hour-long commercial for America’s most famous lingerie store, the show also features work from smaller, more independent artisans. While corsets were shown prominently on the runway both this year and last year, Victoria’s Secret isn’t really known for making the kind of authentic, steel boned corsets we know and love. So when Victoria’s Secret wants to use a corset in […]

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Last summer, I had the pleasure of attending CurveNY and reporting on some beautiful lingerie trends for the next season. Well, some of those trends are finally in stores, and I thought it was time to do an update with a few of my favorite pieces. What do you think of my choices? Tell me your favorite in the comments! Ayten Gasson “Phoebe” Silk Teddy £104.00 (~$166.00 US)  Brulee Silk […]

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It’s the end of September, and that means it’s time for another designer interview! Designer interviews are my way of highlighting small, independent brands that I believe deserve more buzz. This month’s feature is of the UK lingerie label, Sugarlesque, created by the very, very talented Ruka Johnson. 1) What was your background before becoming a lingerie designer? What made you want to get into the lingerie industry? Before designing […]

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Today’s Ask the Addict feature comes courtesy of one of my Twitter followers, @Wilde_Hunt, who designs some of the most amazing leather corsets I’ve ever seen (seriously, go check out her 2009 lookbook and tell me if that leather corset dress isn’t one of the most badass things you’ve ever seen). A couple of days ago, Larissa asked for my favorite summertime hosiery recommendations, and I was happy to oblige.  […]

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Today’s guest post is by Catherine Deadly, the smart and talented lady behind Kiss Me Deadly. A week or so ago, she sent over some photos from one of her intern’s final collections, and I was so impressed that I begged her to let me share them here. As an added bonus, Catherine did a little write-up about how people break into the lingerie industry. I love learning about this […]

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