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I don’t know what’s caused it, but lately I’ve been majorly into beige, tearose, and blush lingerie. After years of actively avoiding anything beige (at least partially because of how it’s always advertised as ‘nude’), I feel as though I’ve rediscovered the color. Despite the marketing, beige, blush, and soft rose are so much more than “invisible” colors for certain skintones. These shades can be elegant, timeless, glamorous even, and […]

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The lingerie world tends to be pretty risk averse. With many boutiques opting for safe, proven sellers, many brands are subsequently afraid to push the envelope. Each year at market Cora looks for designs that are bold and fearless, yet it is rare to be treated to work that truly innovates. Well, leave it to a small Etsy seller out of Budapest, Hungary, to shake things up. FRKS Lingerie is […]

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I feel like a dork for saying this, but we’re all friends here so I’m just going to come out with it…sometimes, beautiful lingerie makes me a bit weepy. It’s this weird kind of involuntary reaction, and it’s always a bit surprising when it happens, especially since now I feel jaded more often than not when it comes to the world of lingerie (I still love it, but folks are […]

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Disclosure: This lingerie was purchased by The Lingerie Addict for the purpose of review. I’m fully prepared to put my hands up and admit that I’m a bit of a lingerie snob. Generally speaking, only the luxury side of the industry ever attracts my attention. It’s the exquisite fabrics and attention to detail that I love about lingerie, and they’re features that tend to be entirely lacking in the more […]

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“It really feels like summer!” I thought as I walked outside yesterday. When I finally checked my weather app on my phone it cheerfully informed me that, with the humidity, it felt like 105 degrees out. Whether you live in the cooler Pacific Northwest or are stuck in the heat hellhole that is the southern US at this time of year, I suspect you’ll appreciate this article. First of all, […]

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