One of the biggest lessons I’m learning this year is the importance of completion, of finishing what you start. Creating new things is a type of high all its own. The thinking, the planning, the moment when everything comes together and it’s better than you ever imagined – that’s the exciting part, at least for me. But it always happens that shortly after I finish one idea, I’m driven immediately […]
Vintage glamour never goes out style. Ashleeta Beauchamp models some of the most stunning retro looks the lingerie industry has to offer. Photography by Lars Kommienezuspadt. Makeup by Erika Reno. Hair by Miss Rockabilly Ruby. Styled by Cora Harrington, The Lingerie Addict. Photographed at The Kingsley House. While I don’t feel at all nostalgic for the 1950s, I have to admit that era, fresh on the heels of Dior’s “New […]
Disclosure: Emma Wyatt Photography gifted The Lingerie Addict with this photoshoot. All thoughts are my own. Sometimes, these lingerie photoshoot posts are the hardest to write. I want to tell you everything about the experience: what inspired it and what the weather was like that day and how it felt to wear the garments and silly jokes the photographer and I made. But then I wonder if anyone else wants […]
I am waist-deep in book edits at the moment, but I did want to write a quick blog post to say 1) I’m alive (yay!) and 2) that I hope those of you in the path of the solar eclipse have a memorable and safe experience. Admittedly, I’ve been out of the loop on most news lately, but I couldn’t resist an opportunity to share a perfect lingerie set for […]
Catherine Clavering is the Founder of Kiss Me Deadly, a retro-inspired lingerie label for femme fatales. Agent Provocateur is probably the most famous lingerie brand in the world, at least in the English-speaking parts of it. Since last year, however, lingerie industry insiders have been grabbing the popcorn to watch the latest installment in the ongoing drama “What’s happening at AP this week?” Until recently though, the average shopper likely […]