Maude Nibelungen is the rare sort of designer who can make you completely rethink lingerie. Nibelungen’s garments play with the very concept of intimate apparel, drawing on a timeless and familiar crafting technique – knitting – and transforming it into something avant-garde and revolutionary. Indeed, it’s impossible to divorce Maude Nibelungen’s garments from how they’re made or even to truly appreciate them without some personal knowledge of the textile arts […]
Wow, 2017 really got away from me. At the beginning of the year, I felt extremely confident about being able to both write a book and also keep to TLA’s regular posting schedule. Turns out I was naive. So, so naive. A book is a ravenous, jealous beast that will devour all your time and energy and then some. And while I feel truly blessed and fortunate to have been […]
Rose is a gender enigma and lingerie enthusiast interested in how art, especially fashion, collides with social movements. S/he is working on a fantasy novel about queer youth (and is also a former columnist at The Lingerie Addict). Serena Rees, the co-founder of Agent Provocateur, who has been absent from the lingerie world since the sale of the brand in 2007, has been making the news lately with the launch […]
Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. Playful Promises has gone from strength to strength these last few years, first making their mark as an affordable, fashion-focused (albeit core-sized) lingerie brand before deciding to come for everybody’s coins with a stellar full bust collection and an equally gorgeous plus size collection. In addition to these incredible (and incredibly well-received) size expansions, Playful Promises continues to show their feminist roots with remarkably […]
About a week ago, I realized something that had been building for a long time – I dreaded going to my own Facebook page. It wasn’t that I was tired of talking with TLA readers, of course. However, I was tired – so very tired – of the endless wave of sexual harassment in my page’s comments. Sexual harrassment entirely caused by men. I’ve been running my blog, The Lingerie […]