A Common Thread: 4 Lingerie Designers Transforming Embroidery
I've mentioned this once or twice on TLA, but I'm in love with the textile arts, especially embroidery. Long derided as women's work (a way of devaluing the expertise and labor involved), I am fascinated by how simple threads can, over time, turn into art. It's similar to the metamorphosis that turns thread into lace.
I suppose, now that I think on it, this is the essence of fashion in general. Myriad threads transformed, reborn, becoming much more than what they were individually. I imagine there's some other metaphor in there as well, but it's a little late while I'm writing this. And I'm a little tired.
A couple of the brands featured in this piece are ones you've seen before (namely FRKS and Under Thy Skin). However others are completely new brands I've only just learned of in the last couple of weeks.
When I started TLA, what motivated me was a sense of discovery. Of novelty. Of finding something I just couldn't bear to keep to myself. Now, at home, I'm reconnecting with that feeling. I hope you have a similar experience, a similar type of excitement while looking at the work of these incredible designers.
FRKS Lingerie
Kaplan Kaftan
Love & Swans (w/ thanks to Esty Lingerie)

Santa Muerte Set

Paris Bodysuit

Japan Soft Bra

Champagne Set