9 Lingerie-Related Things to Do While Stuck Inside During Quarantine
If you're reading this weeks or months (or possibly years), after it was written, this is the time of the Great Quarantine of 2020. Hundreds of millions of people are stuck inside in their homes anxiously waiting out a global pandemic. Of course, lingerie isn't necessary to make the world go 'round, but I think we can all use a bit of lighthearted distraction right now. I hope this article provides some of that.
So...you've been at home for two weeks, with endless weeks (months?) of the same stretching before you, like the wine-dark sea. The news is depressing and unrelenting. A series of numbers, each increasingly worse than the last. When you leave home for groceries, the streets are like a disaster movie. People are wearing masks, keeping their distance, looking up with suspicion at every cough or sneeze. And if you have to go work everyday, because you're essential personnel, the stress and fatigue is even worse. In a word, things are tense.
However, we need breaks too. Moments of peace, art, and beauty. Moments that have absolutely nothing to do with the current world crisis. We all know things are serious, but I believe that makes times of levity even more essential. Though I certainly won't claim lingerie is necessity (no matter how much I love it), I do find myself turning to pretty things for the sake of pretty things. Here is a list of what I've been taking refuge in for the last 10 days or so.
1) Browse the Underpinnings Museum
The Underpinnings Museum is the single greatest historical lingerie resource online, and, when museums like The Met exist, I don't say that lightly. There is no other museum, online or off, that specializes exclusively in intimate apparel. In addition, unlike a great many world museums, everything in The Underpinnings Museum is free and readily accessible online. The museum represents a tremendous labor of love from Karolina Laskowska, Lori Smith, and Tigz Rice, and it's easy to get lost in their extensive archives. Join me on Patreon to see a list of 10 of my favorite pieces.
2) Support Your Fave Indie Designer
Like so many businesses, indie lingerie brands are struggling right now as well. Not only are there the everyday costs of running a small business, they're suddenly dealing with abruptly added costs like eldercare, childcare, and so on (which is true of millions of other people right now). If you love lingerie, then you know independent designers are the backbone of this industry, leading the way with new trends and styles that larger brands eventually take advantage of. Right now, I think it's more important than ever to purchase from those smaller brands that don't have the cushion of those larger companies. But that doesn't mean you have to buy the most expensive things! We are truly in a time when every dollar helps. TLA's advertisers are one place to start if you're looking for good spots to shop. And don't forget to check the clearance sections for extra deals!
3) Support Your Favorite Independent Boutique

The Rack Shack has the entire Nubian Skin collection, so I'll be purchasing more while they're closed for quarantine. Photo by Eat the Cake NYC.
Just like how many brands are struggling, so too are many boutiques. Unfortunately, now that brick-and-mortar shopping is no longer an option for the foreseeable future, most of them aren't prepared or equipped to adjust to a primarily online model. If you have a favorite boutique, especially one with your information on file, call and ask if you can order your favorite bra or purchase a gift card for future use. They need your help now more than ever. For my part, since The Rack Shack carries everything from Nubian Skin, I'm going to stock up a few things while they've closed their doors.
4) Treat Yourself to My Book!
Yes, you knew this was coming. My book, In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie, is perfect for a little bit of light reading while we're all stuck indoors. Featuring dozens of beautiful watercolor illustrations and tons of practical advice, In Intimate Detail is the ideal, budget-friendly splurge. Purchase a signed copy directly from me here or support your local independent bookseller by searching for where it's sold here!
5) Join a Lingerie Patreon!
I know funds for everyone are tight, and I don't want to minimize that. This is going to be our new normal for weeks, and more likely, months. However, if you're looking for some new reading material (and want to support the sites and creators you love most), Patreon is a wonderful way to do that. Most Patreons have an accessible tier of $1 or $2...which basically works out to a quarter or two per week. In exchange for your support, you'll receive access to dozens - if not hundreds - of exclusive articles to pass the time. Of course, The Lingerie Addict has a Patreon for you to join. A few of my favorite Patreons that I subscribe to include Karolina Laskowska, Frock Flicks, Lucy Corsetry, and Esty Lingerie.
6) Join The Lingerie Addict Facebook Group
Back to free things! The Lingerie Addict Facebook Group has been getting a TON of new activity lately as people share their fave finds, what they love about lingerie, and just general things to cheer one another up. Take a break and join us! (But please do remember to read the group rules and guidelines first as they're strictly enforced!)
7) Browse the TLA Archives

Cora Harrington photographed by The Togfather in Edge o' Beyond Lingerie
Over the last 12 years (can you believe it'll be 12 years in April?), I've published literally thousands of articles. Right now is an excellent time to get reacquainted with a few of our best pieces. Here's a quick list to get you started:
- The 10 Biggest Lingerie Trends of the Past Decade
- DIY Lingerie Photography: 5 Steps to Taking Your Own Lingerie Photos
- Lingerie as Art: Sacred Nature by Sydney Duncan
- 25 Impossibly Beautiful Japanese Bras You'll Fall in Love With
- Back to Basics: 5 Tips and 10 Places to Shop for Plus Sized Bras
- Back to Basics: 8 Places to Shop for Plus Sized Underwear
- Top 5 Binder Brands for Every Body and Budget
- Lingerie Construction Basics: Most Common Types of Stitch
- What Lingerie You Should Wear, Based on Your Zodiac Sign
- The Togfather x TLA: A Lingerie Renaissance
8) Window Shop!

Anya Lust Lookbook, photo by Chris Jarvis
If there was ever a time to window shop, this is it. Indulge your senses (and your latent extravagant tastes) by browsing luxury boutiques like Jane's Vanity, Anya Lust, Harlow & Fox, Evgenia Lingerie, Myla and Amoralle. Personally, I'm in love with these pajamas, this dress, this robe, this bra, this eyemask, and this choker. But, you know, I reserve the right to change my mind upon further "research."
9) Take Up a Lingerie-Inspired Craft Project

Stockings Embroidery Pattern from Vintage Mad by M
I can't sew, so I won't be suggesting that. However, something simpler, like a lingerie cross-stitch could be just the thing to wile away the evening hours. I'm enamored with these kits and sets from Vintage Mad by M. I can't decide if I want to go for the stockings, the bra, or the garter belt. Maybe all three?
How are you spending the time indoors while we're under lockdown?