Ask the Addict: Where to Find 100% Cotton, Elastic-Free Bras?

This is an older "Ask the Addict" question from several years ago. I've been meaning to turn it into a blog post for ages (a few years is basically forever in internet time), but, as with so many things recently, it got away from me.
I received a question from a reader who needed a bra made from 100% cotton or wool. Because she worked with electricity, her bras could contain no metal, no spandex, no latex, no polyester, or any other synthetic material.
While that might sound easy at first (after all, lots of people wear cotton bras), the truth is almost all cotton lingerie contains at least a little bit of spandex and/or metal. Finding undergarments with no elastic in the modern era is an extremely difficult thing to do.
Though this reader needed 100% cotton undergarments due to her work, I also know there are people with allergies or skin sensitivities who may benefit from the same. And that's why I'm turning this into a blog post! If you're in the market for a metal-free, elastic-free, natural fiber, or hypoallergenic bra, take a look at the options below.
Remember: if skin sensitivity is an issue for you, be wary of language like "100% cotton exclusive of trims and/or decoration." That often means there's a synthetic fiber in areas like the band or straps.
P.S. As always, please do your own due diligence and research when it comes to buying products to address a medical concern or allergy. TLA offers this blog post as a *beginning* to the search for options, and we are unable to independently vet or verify any company's claims.
Decent Exposures
Blue Canoe