Lingerie's Latest Trend for Summer? Denim!

Sculptresse by Panache Misty Bra in Denim (from a previous season)
Is there any fabric that better combines comfort and chicness than denim? Once associated with hard-wearing workwear for laborers like miners, farmers, and lumberjacks, denim is now a fashion staple for everyone, no matter their occupation.
However, one place we don't usually think of denim being used is in intimate apparel. After all, lingerie is practically defined by soft, whimsical fabrics...the exact opposite of denim's rough cotton heaviness. So perhaps no one was as surprised as me when I started noticing denim in the lingerie world this season.
The denim look has shown up in the lingerie industry in a few different ways, from bras with faux-denim prints, to lingerie-inspired "real" denim outerwear. I love the unexpected juxtaposition of lingerie with denim. It's startling and provocative, but in a way that's still wearable and accessible.
What do you think of this season's denim trend? Would you wear any of the pieces from this blog post? Or do you prefer to keep your denim limited to your jeans?