Lingerie-Inspired Trend: Sheer, Over the Knee Stockings Boots
As someone who wears as size 11 narrow, I don't keep up with many footwear trends. Most shoes I like aren't in my size, and over the years, in the style of The Fox and the Grapes, I've convinced myself that's a good thing.
After all, since I couldn't become obsessed with shoes, I had to funnel my love of pretty things into lingerie. So imagine my surprise and excitement when my would-be love combined with my current love to create what is possibly the most perfect shoe trend for a lingerie addict ever: stockings-inspired boots.
A boot that looks like a thigh high stocking is one of those slightly inscrutable, somewhat bizarre trends I would have never anticipated. However, now that it's here, I am 100% ready for it. I mean, yes...let's wear our stockings combined with our shoes and show off our thigh (high)s. Because, as some of you know, stockings were my very first lingerie love, and you never forget your first love.
Like all the best trends, the thigh high stockings boot is available at a range of price points. So let's talk about it! Would you wear this trend? Or would you pass? I'd love to hear what you think!