Lingerie of the Week: Uye Surana Limited Edition Luna Cropped Cami & Strappy Panty in Honey

uye surana luna

It's happening again. That thing where I can't stop thinking about a particular lingerie set. Where it fills up my thoughts and my dreams and makes me obsessively check my budget, wondering if this is the day I move forward and commit...or do I dare to wait just a little while longer?

uye surana luna cami 2

Truth be told, there are two reasons behind my hesitation. One, I've never purchased anything from Uye Surana before, and I find myself hesitating to try new labels as I grow both older and wider. It's a weird sensation finding yourself sized out of the more luxurious side of the lingerie industry, and while I think I may actually fit within Uye Surana's size chart, that fear of buying something new only to have it be too small has made me reluctant to attempt many new brands nowadays.

luna cropped cami knicker set

But aside from that, this entire aesthetic, much as I love it, is such a departure from my usual lingerie style that it's both exciting and intimidating. I've developed a bit of lingerie uniform over the last few years. Everything black. Bras in microfiber or mesh. Knickers in cotton or bamboo. This cropped cami, strappy knicker, white embroidery aesthetic is miles away from what I typically wear, and I'm fearful I'd buy the set only to leave it in a drawer. Where does one wear a cropped cami, anyway? Were I more fashionable, perhaps with a pair of high-waisted jeans and cork sandals, but I don't think I'm quite that stylish.

uye surana luna cropped cami

Still, despite trying valiantly to talk myself out of this set (because that's how all this entire blog post sounds to me), I can't help but want it. Uye Surana's Honey Collection feels like it would be perfect for this new sunnier, happier, California-based version of me. Like it would remind me lingerie can be about fun and play - something I've come dangerously close to forgetting these last few months. Like it would reassure me that it's okay to experiment.

At this point, I think I've talked myself into going through with it. I'll add the Honey set to my list of 16.

Have you tried Uye Surana before? And are you making any changes to your lingerie wardrobe for the summer? I'd love to hear about new brands you're loving lately.

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Cora Harrington

Founder and Editor in Chief of The Lingerie Addict. Author of In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie. I believe lingerie is fashion too, and that everyone who wants it deserves gorgeous lingerie.

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