Lingerie Wishlist: Kiss Me Deadly Fan Laced Girdle

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Fan Lace Girdle Back

My adoration for all things Kiss Me Deadly is no secret here on TLA. They were one of the first lingerie designers I discovered (and fell in love with!) way back when I first started blogging, and I'm not ashamed to admit I have every single incarnation of their Vargas girdle dress... including the first, accidental turquoise/white version. They're just a brand that really fits my aesthetic and personality... and it doesn't hurt that their founder, Catherine Clavering, has one of the most straighforward, down-to-earth, no nonsense personalities I've ever encountered in the lingerie industry. But I think this new fan-laced girdle has sent my KMD love affair into as-yet unreached heights.

Emerald Fan Laced Girdle

There aren't many people making fan-laced girdles now. Like overwired bras, they're a bit of archaic, anachronistic lingerie design. Diehard addicts like you and I tend to go crazy for me, but that doesn't necessarily translate into widespread popularity and sales... especially in this area of contour bras and no-show knickers. I actually own a fan-laced girdle already --- a Cortland model that looks like something you'd wear for a fetish Halloween nurses' costume. I haven't tried it on in ages; there's just something very clinical about the garment that makes me edge away. Not so for KMD's version though.

While the green lacing isn't my most favorite color in the world (I'm thinking I'd prefer a red or purple or gray), this is still a very exciting piece nonetheless. That sheer and opaque girdle fabric and those y-garters are really setting my heart aflutter. I'm not sure when this piece will be available or how much it will cost once it is, but I do know it will be available in sizes S-XL. It will also be made in Britian, if you happen to care about where your intimates are manufactured.

What do you think of this piece? Is it something you would wear? And have you ever tried anything fan-laced before?




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Cora Harrington

Founder and Editor in Chief of The Lingerie Addict. Author of In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie. I believe lingerie is fashion too, and that everyone who wants it deserves gorgeous lingerie.

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