Baroque & Bones: Madame Sher 'Beautiful Darlings' Corsets

'Elizabeth Taylor'
I've been an admirer of Madame Sher's work for awhile. While corsetry aficionados have no doubt heard the name Madame Sher, her location (Brazil) hasn't made her as well-known as some of her fellow corsetieres in the US, France, or England. This post was originally going to feature a few of my favorite Madame Sher corsets, but then I discovered the Beautiful Darlings collection, and decided to dedicate this article to them. Beautiful Darlings is Madame Sher's couture line of corsetry, and it honors classic beauties and cinema screen sirens. With 17 total looks, Madame Sher mixes various colors and textures and fabrics to arrive at incredible works of art. Even though none of these are in my budget, they're still a complete joy to look at.
What do you think of Madame Sher's 'Beautiful Darlings' collection? Do you have a favorite? And has anyone else heard of this corsetiere before or purchased a corset from her? I want to talk with you in the comments!

'Brigitte Bardot'

'Ingrid Bergman' (L) and 'Louise Brooks' (R)

'Ava Gardner'

'Irene Manning'

'Doris Day'

'Ursula Theiss' (L) and 'Francesca Bartini' (R)

'Norma Shearer'

'Lana Turner'