Super exciting news today, fellow addicts! I just found out Token Black Girls included me on their list of '10 Awesome and Beautiful Black Pinups' for Buzzfeed. Like our mention on Vogue Italia last month, this wasn't something I knew about or expected beforehand, and that makes it even better because it shows The Lingerie Addict is really touching people's lives.
Please stop by Buzzfeed today and check out the list, which includes some of my favorite black pinup models like Betty Chantel, Angelique Noire, and Jessica Louise-Abidde. As Ro, the author of the article says, black pinups do exist... and we're here to stay.
P.S. To learn more about why this particular feature is so important to me, read last month's article 'Diversity is More Than a Bra Size: What It's Like to Be a Woman of Color in the Lingerie Industry.'
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